Trending Healthy Food Choices

The focus on food as a pathway to wellness is ever-evolving. Here’s a breakdown of the healthy choices making a splash, covering general trends and options for those seeking specific diets.

General Trends

  • Fermented Foods: Kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and kefir are in vogue. They support gut health due to their beneficial bacteria
  • Alternative Flours: Gluten-free or health-focused flours made from almonds, coconut, chickpeas, etc., are in high demand, offering new baking possibilities.
  • Sprouts: Packed with nutrients, sprouts of all kinds (broccoli, alfalfa, mung bean) are becoming an easy way to boost a meal’s nutrition.
  • Plant-Based Everything: The plant-based movement expands beyond burgers into vegan cheeses, seafood alternatives, and innovative plant-based proteins.
  • Ancient Grains: Quinoa, amaranth, teff, and others are replacing refined grains for their nutritional punch.
  • Functional Foods: Ingredients like turmeric, ginger, adaptogenic mushrooms, and collagen are added to everyday foods for their supposed health benefits.

Emphasis on “Diet” Foods

  • Low-Carb: Cauliflower “rice”, shirataki noodles, and creative keto snack alternatives are catering to those on low-carbohydrate lifestyles.
  • Sugar Alternatives: Monk fruit sweetener, stevia, and coconut sugar are finding their way into recipes for those aiming to reduce sugar intake.
  • Whole30-Friendly: Compliant foods focusing on real, unprocessed ingredients are popular for those embracing this reset program.
  • Intermittent Fasting Support: Products designed for fasting windows, like bone broth and specific electrolyte mixes, are gaining traction.

Vegetarian-Centric Stars

  • Tempeh & Tofu: These versatile soy products continue to rise, with innovative flavored and marinated versions making them more approachable.
  • Jackfruit: This meaty-textured fruit is a popular vegan pulled “pork” alternative in everything from tacos to sandwiches.
  • Lentils: A budget-friendly powerhouse, lentils are starring in vegetarian burgers, hearty soups, and plant-based “bolognese” sauces.
  • Nutritional Yeast: A favorite for its cheesy flavor, perfect as a dairy replacement for vegans.
  • Creative Veggie Preparations: Vegetables like eggplant, mushrooms, and beets are elevated to main course status with unique preparation techniques.

The Sustainability Angle

  • Regenerative Agriculture: There’s rising interest in foods that support farming practices that improve soil health and biodiversity.
  • Upcycled Foods: Products made from previously wasted food scraps (think snacks made from fruit pulp) are a clever way to reduce waste.
  • Local and Seasonal: Eating with the seasons and choosing locally-sourced products for freshness and reduced environmental impact is ever popular.
  • Seaweed: This sustainable ingredient offers a range of nutrients and is appearing in innovative snacks and creative recipes.


The world of healthy eating is more diverse than ever! From gut-friendly ferments to a wealth of plant-based options, these trends show that choosing healthy food can be exciting and delicious. The key is finding what suits your individual dietary needs and taste preferences.

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Perk Up Your Routine with These 5 Trending Coffee Ideas

Mon Apr 29 , 2024
1: Gut-Healthy Goodness We’re seeing a huge emphasis on gut health and probiotics. Here’s how to bring that to your coffee: Kefir Cold Brew Swirl: Kefir is a tangy, fermented milk drink packed with beneficial bacteria. Combine cold brew coffee with a generous swirl of plain kefir. Add a touch […]
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